Vitamins » Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Why you need it?
Riboflavin, Vitamin B2, is needed to process amino acids and fats, activate vitamin B6 and folic acid, and help convert carbohydrates into ATP, the fuel the body runs on. Under some circumstances, vitamin B2 can act as an antioxidant.
Riboflavin is involved with production of FMN and FAD, both of which are involved in redox reactions.
Riboflavin causes the activation of vitamin B6.
Riboflavin is involved in the conversion of folate to its co-enzymes.
Riboflavin aids in Beta oxidation in fat metabolism.
Riboflavin is involved a co-enzyme component of the dehydrogenases in the first step in glucose metabolism.
Riboflavin is needed for the production of corticosteroi8dn; erythropoiesis; gluconeogenesis and thyroid enzyme regulation.
Deficiency Symptoms:
A deficiency of riboflavin usually occurs in concert with other B vitamin deficiencies. However, clinical signs are less dramatic than other deficiencies. Cheilosis and glossitis are classic deficiency symptoms.
Good Food Sources:
Dairy, eggs, and meat contain significant amounts of vitamin B2. Leafy green vegetables and whole grains contain some vitamin B2.

GRAS- Generally recognized as safe. No adverse reactions, side effects or overdose symptoms expected when taken within the recommended amounts.
No adverse effects have been reported as a result of taking Riboflavin supplements during pregnancy or lactation.
B2 is nontoxic, even in very high amounts. It works hand in hand with several other B vitamins. Therefore, nutritionists usually suggest that vitamin B2 be taken as part of a B-Complex vitamin or other multivitamin supplement.
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