Minerals » Selenium
Why you need it?
Selenium activates an antioxidant enzyme called glutathione peroxidase.
• Selenium is involved in the synthesis of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. It consists of a 4 sub unit enzyme with one selenium per sub unit in the form of seleno-cysteine. This enzyme is responsible for detoxification in the body.
• Converts HPETE (hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic acid) into HETE (hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid)
• Natural antioxidant
• Necessary for production of prostaglandins
• With vitamin E helps promote normal growth and development
Deficiency Symptoms:
There are 6 Signs You May Be Selenium Deficient:
1. Hair Loss and Skin and Fingernail Discoloration
Hair loss that comes on relatively quickly and is evenly distributed may be a sign of selenium deficiency. In severe cases, even under arm hair and body hair can be affected. Importantly, too much selenium may also cause similar symptoms.
Skin discoloration and particularly the fingernails, with heavy whitening of the fingernail beds often reported, are also signs of chronically low selenium intake.
2. Low Immunity
As detailed above, selenium is needed for your body’s master antioxidant glutathione peroxidase. Without a good production of this substance, you are likely to have low defenses against colds and flu and other viral infections.
Low immunity is a known sign of inadequate selenium and research has shown increasing selenium intake can improve immune function when body stores aren’t at an optimal level.
3. Constant Tiredness and Fatigue
While it’s true there could be many causes for ongoing fatigue, including a lack of B vitamins like pantothenic acid, or being low in other minerals like iron, selenium deficiency can also be the culprit.
Unusual lethargy, tiredness and a lack of energy over several days could all be symptoms and it would be worth getting tested for vitamin and mineral deficiencies by a knowledgeable health care professional if you are experiencing ongoing diminished energy.
4. Brain Fog and Difficulty Concentrating
Reduce mental function with poor ability to concentrate and recall information has been associated with a deficiency in selenium.
Supplemental selenium has also been reported to help with anxiety, irritability, mental fatigue and even some cases of depression.
5. Reproductive Problems
Low selenium may be a factor in reoccurring miscarriages according to some studies. Lack of this trace mineral can also cause changes in menstruation for women.
For men, a deficiency in selenium can harm sperm motility, therefore reducing male fertility. While this may seem like a good thing to some men at certain stages of their life, there are more useful natural treatments like papaya seeds that don’t have the same negative health consequences as missing out on selenium.
6. Hypothyroidism
Chronic cases of selenium deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism. This is a serious health disorder where your thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones and fatigue, depression and weight gain often result from this condition.
Good Food Sources:
Brazil nuts, yeast, whole grains and seafood. It should be noted that selenium quantities vary in foods depending upon the levels in the soil.

GRAS - Generally recognized as safe. No adverse reactions, side effects or overdose symptoms expected when taken within the recommended amounts. Selenium has a narrow margin of safety. DO NOT EXCEED RECOMMENDED DOSAGE.
Supplementing or eating 1,000µg of selenium per day may cause garlic breath and sweat, metallic taste in mouth, depression, nervousness, emotional instability, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, hair loss, finger nail damage, and digestive irritation.
Signs and symptoms of toxicity include: loss of hair, teeth, nails; dermatitis; lethargy; and paralysis; severe overdose: fever, increased respiratory rate, gastro-intestinal distress, myelitis, and if extreme, death.
Selenium generally has a synergistic relationship with the other antioxidant nutrients. Selenium enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin E.
Chronic exposure to environmental toxins, including chemotherapeutic drugs, radiation and other toxic medications, increase its requirement, since selenium is used in the generation of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme used in the detoxification process.
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. Neither the information provided nor products supplied or offered should be construed to be in any way substitutes for medical attention or prescribed medication. Consult with your healthcare professional before taking any supplements or herbal remedies if you are suffering from an undiagnosed illness or if you are on prescribed medication.