Minerals » Manganese
Why you need it?
Manganese is needed for healthy skin, bone, and cartilage formation as well as glucose tolerance. It also helps activate superoxide dismutase (SOD)—an important antioxidant enzyme.
• Manganese is needed for connective tissue and bone function, including skin integrity, skeletal development and ear otolith development.
• Pancreatic and brain function.
• Bone remodeling: Manganese may work with vitamin K by enhancing alpha c carboxylation of glutamate side chains. These are vital for the binding of calcium ions in the bone.
• In mitochondria, manganese may protect the membranes from oxi-dative damage by acting with SOD.
• Activator of enzymes necessary for utilization of biotin, the vitamins Thiamin and C
• Formation of urea
• Formation of thyroxin
Deficiency Symptoms:
Manganese is not commonly deficient.
Magnesium can substitute for many manganese functions. Symptoms of deficiency include sterility, skeletal abnormalities, glucose intolerance and ataxia. Other
symptoms noted are temporary inflammation of the skin, nausea and vomiting.
Decreased serum levels have been found in diabetics, epileptics, people with osteoporosis, and in people with pancreatic insufficiency.
Good Food Sources:
Nuts, wheat germ, wheat bran, leafy green vegetables, beet tops, pineapples and seeds.

GRAS - Generally recognized as safe. No adverse reactions, side effects or overdose symptoms expected when taken within the recommended amounts.
Amounts found in supplements (5-20 mg) have not been linked with any toxicity. Over 100mg/day may cause nausea.
Preliminary research suggests that individuals with cirrhosis may not be able to properly excrete manganese; until more is known, these people should not supplement with manganese.
Calcium, iron and possibly zinc reduce the absorption of manganese. Zinc and copper work together with manganese to activate superoxide dismutase.
Conversely, high doses of magnesium, calcium, iron, copper and zinc may inhibit the absorption of manganese.
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