Minerals » Calcium
Why you need it?
Calcium makes up 1.5%-2% of total human body. Our body weight needs more calcium than any other mineral. Calcium is intimately involved in the structures of bone and teeth where 99% of it is stored. Calcium ions add hardness to the bone matrix.
Calcium aids transport across cell membranes. Muscles require calcium to function in their contractility. Without calcium the muscles tend to stay contracted. Calcium also regulates membrane stabilization. Certain cells (mast cells) tend to rupture when calcium ions are depleted.
Deficiency Symptoms:
When you don’t get enough calcium, you increase the risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis and calcium deficiency disease, also known as hypocalcemia.
Severe symptoms of calcium deficiency disease include:
• Memory loss.
• Muscle spasms.
• Numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, and face.
• Depression.
• Hallucinations.
Good Food Sources:
Dairy products like milk, cheese and yoghurt. Tinned fish (with bones), soy flour, almonds, tahini (sesame seed paste).

GRAS- Generally recognized as safe. No adverse reactions, side effects or overdose symptoms expected when taken within the recommended amounts.
Calcium Complete is specially formulated to meet the needs of pregnant and lactating women. It provides all the vitamins and the two most important minerals, namely Calcium and Iron. When taking Calcium Complete do not take additional vitamins, in particular vitamin A, during pregnancy.
Some individuals with hyperparathyroidism, chronic kidney disease, sarcoidosis or a history of idiopathic calcium stones.
Thyroid: Excess thyroid hormones, specifically T4, have been shown to cause bone loss if given inappropriately by causing excessive excretion of calcium.
Corticosteroids: are well known to cause osteoporosis and calcium loss.
Tetracyclines: inhibit calcium absorption and vice versa.
Routine supplementation with Calcium much above 1200mg/day is not recommended unless advised by a health professional.
High calcium intake (over 3000mg) may inhibit the intestinal absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium and other essential minerals.
The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. Neither the information provided nor products supplied or offered should be construed to be in any way substitutes for medical attention or prescribed medication. Consult with your healthcare professional before taking any supplements or herbal remedies if you are suffering from an undiagnosed illness or if you are on prescribed medication.