Vitamins » Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
Why you need it?
Pantothenic Acid, sometimes called vitamin Pantothenic acid is involved in the Kreb's cycle of energy production and is needed to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It is also essential in producing, transporting, and releasing the energy from fats. Pantothenic acid also activates the adrenal glands. Pantetheine- a variation of Pantothenic Acid
The active form of Pantothenic Acid co-enzyme A, is involved in the Krebs cycle in the production of ATP. It is required for proper functioning of adrenal glands.
Pantothenic Acid upon being converted to 4-phosphopantetheine, binds to a protein to form acyl carrier protein (ACP).
It is essential for the formation of porphyrin (haemoglobin synthesis).
Pantothenic Acid is required for the synthesis of certain steroids produced in the adrenal glands via the action of Co-enzyme A.
Deficiency Symptoms:
A deficiency of Pantothenic Acid is uncommon because of its wide distribution in foods. Experimentally induced human Pantothenic Acid deficiency has caused insomnia, leg cramps, paraesthesia of the hands and feet, mental depression, decreased antibody formation, easy fatigue, GI disturbance, and upper respiratory infections.
Good Food Sources:
Liver, yeast and salmon have high levels of Pantothenic Acid, but most other foods, including vegetables, dairy, eggs, grains, and meat contain some.

GRAS – Generally recognized as safe. No adverse reactions, side effects or overdose symptoms expected when taken within the recommended amounts.
No adverse effects have been reported as a result of taking Pantothenic Acid supplements during pregnancy or lactation.
Pantothenic Acid is non-toxic, even in very high amounts. It works hand in hand with several other B vitamins. Therefore, nutritionists usually suggest that Pantothenic Acid be taken as part of a B-Complex vitamin or other multivitamin supplement.
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